Old Mother Goose
Old Mother Goose when she wanted to wander
Would FLY through the air on her very fine gander!
Goosey Goosey Gander
Where do you wander?
Upstairs or Downstairs
or in my Ladies Chamber?
Mr. Perky Bird
Good morning Mr. Perky Bird
Perky Bird, Perky Bird
Good morning Mr. Perky Bird
Where are You?
I'm flying through the air, the air
the air, the air, the air, the air
I'm flying through the air, the air,
Down to the Ground.
Trot trot to Boston
Trot trot to Boston
trot trot to Lynn
Watch out Baby or you might Fall in!
Trot trot to London
Trot trot to Dover
Watch out Baby or you might Fall over!
Criss Cross Applesauce do this while sitting or standing behind your child
Criss cross applesauce (make an X across child's back with your fingers)
Spiders crawling down your back (crawl fingers down child's back)
crawling here (crawl to one shoulder)
crawling there (crawl to your other shoulder)
Spiders crawling in your hair (crawl fingers in child's hair)
Cool breeze (blow in child's ear)
Tight squeeze (give your child a hug)
And now you've got the shivers!! (Tickle your child)
Wibbleton to Wobbleton
(deep breath)
From Wibbleton to Wobbleton is 15 miles
From Wobbleton to Wibbleton is 15 miles
From Wibbleton to Wobbleton
From Wobbleton to Wibbleton
From Wibbleton to Wobbleton is 15 miles!
Acka, Backa, Soda, Cracker
Acka, Backa, Soda, Cracker
Acka, Backa, BOO
Acka, Backa, Soda, Cracker
I Love YOU
Acka, Backa, Soda, Cracker
Acka, Backa, BOO
Acka, Backa, Soda, Cracker
Up Goes YOU!!!!
The Grand Ole' Duke
(deeper breath)
The grand ole' duke of york
he had ten thousand men
he marched them UP to the top of the hill
he marched them DOWN again
and when they're UP they're UP
and when they're DOWN they're DOWN
and when they're only halfway UP
they're neither UP or DOWN
He marched them to the LEFT
he marched them to the RIGHT
and them he turned them upside DOWN
Oh what a frightful sight!
Mother and Father and Uncle John
Mother and Father and Uncle John
Went to market one by one
Mother fell off....
Father fell of..
But Uncle John went on and on and on.........
Walking Walking (tune of Frere Jacques)
Walking, walking, walking, walking
Hop Hop Hop
Hop Hop Hop
Running, running, running
Running, running, running,
Now we stop!
Now we Stop!
Ring around the Rosies
ring aroung the rosies
a pocket full of posies
ashes ashes, we all fall down
picking up the daisies
picking up the daisies
picking up the daisies
we all stand up!!!
To market to market
To market, to market, to buy a fat pig!
home again, home again,
jiggety jig!
to market, to market to buy a fat hog!
home again, home again,
jiggety jog!